How to Stay Cavity-Free In the Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for joy and indulgence, no matter your age. Whether you’re worried about developing cavities after sampling sugary treats this holiday season or you want to make sure your children don’t overdo it on the sweets, it pays off to put some thought into what you’re eating this winter. Dental issues […]
Is Your Child Scared of the Dentist? Try These Tips!

Is your child scared of the dentist? Even the best local dentists experience this. If your child is struggling to keep their oral health in check due to fear of the dentist, here are a few things you can try to help ease the fear of your local dentists. Introduce Them Early One of the […]
3 Myths About Flossing, Debunked

Taking the time to floss is integral if you want to have better oral health. If you haven’t been regularly flossing, it could be because you have heard one of the widely spread myths about the practice. We’re here to promote flossing and correct some of the misconceptions that many have about it. Myth #1: […]
Questions to Ask a Potential Family Dentist

It’s completely normal to feel anxious about starting with a new dentist. To ease some of the nerves, and to make the process of finding a new dentist for your family a little easier, you should think of the questions you want to as a potential dentist beforehand. That way, you can gain the necessary […]
3 Surprising Ways Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Dentists work with patients of all ages and at all different life stages, including pregnant women. In fact, pregnant women may need family dentistry services even more than they did before becoming pregnant. Thanks to the numerous physical and hormonal changes pregnant women experience, their oral health can be affected in a few surprising ways. […]
Dentistry Tips to Follow This Holiday Season

There are certain times of the year when it may be more difficult to take care of your teeth. Especially around the holidays, there are many temptations that can lead to multiple trips to your dentist. Here are some tips to help you maintain good oral hygiene while celebrating the holidays. Stay Away From the […]
The Importance of Taking Your Child to the Dentist

When you’re a parent, you want the best for your child. You know it’s important to take your child to the doctor for regular checkups, and taking them to the dentist is just as crucial. When your child has a healthy mouth, it can have a profound impact on their lives. They’ll be able to […]
How to Find the Best Dentists in Your Area

Going to the dentist is one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health. It’s estimated that one-quarter of adults have untreated tooth decay, and nearly half of adults are suffering from untreated periodontal disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss. When left untreated, these issues can cause major […]
High-Tech Dentistry

Say goodbye to old school dental practices that leave you feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. At Thomas Family Dentistry, we are passionate about continually improving our craft through education and technological advancements so that our patients receive comfortable, convenient and stress-free dental care. Dr. Troy Thomas, Dr. Paul Nguyen, and Dr. Gurman Jaswal integrate modern dental […]